
Meth Not Even Once

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


 The other day we watched two videos on globalization. These were very good points in both of these videos about the good and bad of globalization. I personally believe that globalization is not a good thing.
   For starters globalization uses up finite resources. With the more of the world mass producing products in the cheapest ways they can find. Resources like oil, trees, and coal are being used at a depleting rate.
   Next is the fact that is bad for the ozone. With more companies using mass shipping processes and factories polluting the air they are quickly burning up the atmosphere.
   Next is the fact that now all governments and economies effect each other. This makes it impossible for foreign leaders to change laws and policies of their own country without knowing the implications it will have on the world and global markets.
   Globalization also contributes to the increase in oil prices. This is because of the shipping done by companies, virtually all shipping uses large amounts of oil and gas which depletes supply and increases the price.
    Globalization also moves jobs for developed countries to less developed countries. Some people see this as a good thing because they believe it gives the poor jobs. However the amount of child labor and slave labor in countries like China has increased with globalization. Besides that fact it is still taking jobs from hardworking nationals.
    Another thing that globalization does is to increase dependence on foreign countries for resources. Which is fine as long as the system of reliance stays in balance. However that never happens, something always happens to throw balance off. The loss of this balance causes the loss of a resource in certain countries and causes them to scramble to try to find other ways of obtaining that resource which drives the price of the resource up.
    These are the reasons I believe that globalization is a bad thing. It drives prices, puts pressure on governments, and uses up resources. I believe that Globalization is here to stay but I still do not believe it is a good thing.