
Meth Not Even Once

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Memory Blog No.2

I would definitely not want to lose my sense of touch, In the experiment my memory triggered right away when I felt the food. I knew exactly what the food was the second I touched it. I think this effected my memory some because I knew what the items should smell like before I smelled them. I definitely knew what to expect. I would never like to lose my sense of hearing, I rely way to much on my sense of hearing since it is one of my strongest senses. If I had to choose I would rather lose my sense of taste. I don’t feel like my sense of taste accounts for much of my sensory memory. Especially because sense of taste changes so your memory of whether or not you like something can change.

Memory Blog

                I believe that Sensory Information Memory is the most important to me. I have always found it easier to commit things to memory when they can be related to a specific sense. When I listen to classical music I can remember geometry and algebra. Country music is reserved for history and globalization. I have noticed that by chewing specific flavors of gum while listening to a teacher and then chewing the same flavor gum when taking a test helps remember information. I always enjoy the fact that I can put my head phones and listen to music, every song seems to bring back a memory from a specific time.