
Meth Not Even Once

Monday, October 6, 2014

Globalization and Women

Women, they always want more. Ever since the 80’s women have been growing in their job roles. Women have started running businesses and many hold the same positions as men in the working world. The argument that women make less than men can clearly be proven. However I believe that the reason women make less than men is that they are so eager to prove they can do the same or better jobs as men that they have a tendency to be willing to work for less.

                Women are starting to hold extremely high roles in governments around the world. Some women are even running countries. Many people wonder why the United States has never had a woman president. I believe the answer to this is quite simple. Usually a female candidate for president will make a big fuss about how she will change things in the country for women and women should be treated differently. They often out men as being sexist and try to push hard for the empowerment of women. However by doing this they lose the votes of men who feel that all the female candidate wants to do is to prove a point about women. Men make up a large portion of votes so when a feminist is pushing for office she tends to lose out on votes fairly early.

                Women across the globe get held to different standards, with globalization we see these standards starting to become the same. This can be good for some countries and bad for others. If a woman in America is held to the standards of women from Muslim or Islamic nations she will try to become empowered because the other women do not have that capability. If a Muslim or Islamic woman is held to the standards of an American woman she may become angry seeing that she does not have the freedom or powers an American woman has.

                Women have proven they can do the same jobs as men just as well. They do deserve to get equal pay. Women often times will bring feminism upon themselves and hinder themselves when they should be fighting for equality. Holding to the standards of women from foreign countries can often times be a bad thing as seen in this article,

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