
Meth Not Even Once

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola and Globalization

                I learned a lot that I did not know about Ebola. I learned that the disease is originally thought to have started in a river but it is suspected to be carried by bats. I also learned that in the United States it is more likely for a person to get struck by lightning than contracting Ebola. Our team figured out that the only thing to do to stop the virus was to quarantine it. We had to cut the host out of the environment. We realized that the reason the virus spreads so furiously in Africa is because of their poor living conditions. It is very difficult for them to avoid contact with the disease. So we figured why not remove the disease from the area. We decided to do the same thing that was done to the lepers. We decided the most effective way to remove the contagion from the environment would be to put it on an island. On the island you can control the contact with the infected ensuring no more people infect themselves.

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