
Meth Not Even Once

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Favorites, Least Favorites, and Psychology

  1. Favorite word – maybe
  2. Least favorite word – government
  3. One thing I like about my life – procrastination
  4. One thing I don’t like about my life – government
  5. Profession I would like to attempt – Law Enforcement
  6. Profession I would never attempt – Government Teacher
  7. What 3 words best describe me – Sarcastic, nonchalant, conniving


I believe that psychology will be a very interesting class. I hope to gain many things from the class. First I hope that I will be able to learn the reasons people act the way they do. I hope to learn they the human brain handles the challenges of life. I also hope to learn about people who are born with psychological diseases such as sociopaths and psychos. I also hope to learn how classmates would react to things like The Devil’s advocate and how they would process choices like; if a two year old and a 50 year old are drowning and neither of them know how to swim but you can only save one which would you save? I also look forward to this class because I am going to have to take psychology or a similar course as part of my college classes. I believe I could greatly benefit from this course. I will be honest I am also in this class because there are not really any other options of other classes for me to take. I hope to learn a lot from the twisted yet analytical mind of Mr.R.

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