
Meth Not Even Once

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I taught my ex-girlfriend when it was ok to touch my car radio and other such controls. By using operant conditioning with positive and negative reinforcement I was able to teach her when I like the radio station changed or the volume adjusted. For example we were driving down the road while the song Black Water by the Doobie Brothers was playing, this is one of my favorite songs. She being the girl she was did not enjoy the song and reached up to change the station. I simply slapped her hand away. After doing this you would expect her to not want to touch the radio dial at all, however when a commercial was on I would simply politely ask her to change the station and when she did I would thank her and smile. After a few car rides she learned not to touch the radio while a song is playing and she also learned so well that the second she heard commercials she would change the station.

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